Gerard Andonian
Member of the Board

Gerard Andonian is a physicist working in advanced acceleration concepts and radiation generation. He received his PhD from UCLA, where his thesis work focused on short gain length free-electron laser studies. His current research work is centered on novel wakefield acceleration techniques, including beam-driven dielectric and plasma acceleration, optimization of high-efficiency wakefield generation, and development of cutting-edge beam and radiation diagnostics for high intensity accelerators. As an active member of the community, Gerard has presented his research at workshops and conferences, and has co-authored numerous refereed journal publications. He is well versed in accelerator software and was the first user of RadiaSoft’s Sirepo.

Claudia Behnke

Claudia Behnke is our controller. She has extensive experience working in accounting and finance, and a thorough understanding of databases and accounting systems. She has worked at Apple Computer in the Financial Services Department where she developed a FileMaker Pro call tracking log used by the US Accounts Receivable group. In Boulder, she implemented multiple Excel templates that automated accounting activities at both Exelis Visual Information Solutions and Zayo Group. She developed FileMaker Pro databases for volunteer organizations (student directories, homeowner directories), and was involved with leading student groups in both Odyssey of the Mind and Math Olympiads. Claudia holds an MBA from Bowling Green State University.

David Bruhwiler RadiaSoft

David L. Bruhwiler

Chairman of the Board

David Bruhwiler has devoted over 25 years to the simulation of experiments and physical systems, including beam and laser-driven plasma accelerators, electron cooling of relativistic heavy ion beams, electron and ion sources, particle tracking and accelerator design and nonlinear dynamical systems. In addition to codeveloping both free and commercial software, and coauthoring more than 30 refereed journal articles, David has managed more than $10M in contracts and grants, and successfully mentored teams of more than 10 scientists, mathematicians and software developers. David is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Publications>>

Evan Carlin
Senior Software Developer

Group Leader

Senior Software Developer Evan Carlin received a BS in computer science from the University of Puget Sound. After graduation he worked as a consultant on a variety of software projects ranging from a cloud migration for a Fortune 500 bank to building a web app for a streaming TV Service. He then went to work for Google where he focused on customer support data analysis and new tool development.

Stephen Coleman
Senior Project Scientist

Group Leader

Stephen Coleman is a research scientist with experience in neutrino physics at Fermilab and J-PARC in Tokai, Japan. He studied physics at the University of Colorado, and received his PhD from the College of William and Mary, working on muon neutrino oscillations in a muon neutrino beam. He also worked for several years in a biology laboratory on a DARPA-funded research project, studying the dynamics of proteins responding to chemical stimulus.
Nathan Cook RadiaSoft

Nathan Cook
Lead Project Scientist
Group Leader

Research Scientist Nathan Cook is an accelerator physicist with a strong background in a variety of topics, ranging from advanced accelerator concepts to intense beam dynamics to thermionic energy converters. He has published peer-reviewed papers on the subjects of laser driven ion acceleration, RF acceleration, novel algorithms for electrostatic and electromagnetic systems, thermionic emission, ion beam imaging diagnostics, and was an editor of the Pre-Conceptual Design Report for the Ion Rapid Cycling Medical Synchrotron project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Nathan received his BA in physics and mathematics from Williams College and his PhD in physics from Stony Brook University. His thesis work comprised novel approaches to RF acceleration of carbon ions for a rapid cycling medical synchrotron and laser driven shock acceleration of helium ions from a gas target. Publications>>
Joan Danver RadiaSoft

Joan Danver
Senior Operations Manager

Operations Manager Joan Danver comes to RadiaSoft with a background in project management in a small business setting. She has experience managing government contracted projects requiring extensive filings and oversight. Joan received her BA in biology from Williams College and her MS in biochemistry and cell biology from Stony Brook University, where she investigated the role of microglia in the brain.
Jonathan Edelen RadiaSoft

Jonathan Edelen

Jonathan Edelen is an accelerator physicist with a broad range of experience across the field. He specializes in thermionic cathode guns and space-charge effects in low energy electron beams. Jon earned a PhD in accelerator physics from Colorado State University. After completing his PhD, Jon was selected for the prestigious Bardeen Fellowship at Fermilab. While at Fermilab he worked on RF systems for the PIP-II Injector Test, beam dynamics and RF transient effects in the proposed PIP-II accelerator, and thermionic cathode RF guns at the Advanced Photon Source. Currently, Jon is focused on building advanced control algorithms for particle accelerators including solutions involving machine learning. He is also developing improved simulation tools for studying field enhanced thermionic emission in thermionic energy converters. Jonathan has published papers and presented at international conferences on a variety of topics in accelerators. Publications>>

Joshua Einstein-Curtis
Senior Electrical Engineer

Joshua Einstein-Curtis brings a background in cybersecurity and expertise in hardware and system design. He’s previously worked at Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute, Fermilab, XR Trading, and Presco, Inc. His professional achievements include creating custom hardware device designs for particle accelerators, platforms used in trading financial instruments, and designing custom electronics. He has experience working in Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, and associated development and verification environments.

Josh was awarded an MSEE with a focus on satellite communications and semiconductor optics from Boston University and researched free-electron lasers and computer architecture as a PhD candidate at Colorado State University.

Josh has worked in broadcast systems integration for 15 years, including time spent living in Chongqing, China, where he taught English, as well as working with NBC at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. He continues to work in the broadcast industry as a freelance engineer, systems integrator, and director, primarily for live sports.

Chris Hall
Senior Scientist

Research Scientist Chris Hall is an expert in the simulation and analysis of collective beam effects in energy recovery linac (ERL) driven free-electron lasers (FEL), with an emphasis on coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) effects. He developed techniques to mitigate the negative impact of CSR on the electron beam, based on analysis of experimental data from the Jefferson Laboratory ERL driven FEL. Chris received a BS in physics and mathematics from Hope College, his MS in physics from Michigan State University, and his PhD in electrical engineering from Colorado State University in 2016. Publications>>

Morgan Henderson
Associate Scientist

Morgan Henderson is an associate research scientist with experience in nanoscale thermal transport and vibrational analysis of solid-state systems. Morgan studied physics and mathematics at the University of Montana, where they graduated with high honors, and received their MS in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder. Their graduate research included work on an NSF funded project investigating the manipulation of thermal transport in semiconductor materials via nanoscale engineering, in part using large scale atomistic simulations carried out on high-performance computing clusters. They’ve also done work in the area of exoplanet detection, completed a certificate in engineering management at CU Boulder, and are passionate about STEM education and outreach.

Paul Moeller
Principal Software Developer

Principal Software Developer Paul Moeller has developed real-world solutions in a variety of problem domains including finance, graphics, medical billing, and generic user interfaces. Paul holds a BS in computer science from Clarke University and an MS in computer science from Loyola University. Publications>>
Alex Murokh
Vice-Chairman of the Board

Alex Murokh, PhD, is an accelerator physicist, entrepreneur, and cofounder of RadiaBeam Technologies. Dr. Murokh received his PhD at UCLA in 2002 for his work on the VISA Free Electron Laser. As a postdoc at UCLA, and later as a RadiaBeam research scientist, he worked on the coherent radiation processes, beam diagnostic techniques, and advanced acceleration methods, and novel light sources. Presently, as a chief technical officer at RadiaBeam, Dr. Murokh is responsible for managing the company research division, advancing the product line, and maintaining and enhancing collaborative relationships with the scientific community in the U.S. and internationally. Dr. Murokh has served as a member of the RadiaSoft Board of Directors since 2015.

Rob Nagler RadiaSoft

Rob Nagler

Member of the Board

CTO Rob Nagler has designed and deployed leading-edge distributed systems for almost 40 years. Rob has written extensively about software, including his book on agile development methods, Extreme Perl. Rob started his career in the Distributed Systems Group at Stanford working with Dr. David Cheriton. At Sun Microsystems, he worked with Eric Schmidt in the software products division. He led OLAP development at Olsen & Associates, a pioneer in financial research and analysis. At Tandem Computers High Performance Research Center, Rob implemented a multi-platform, distributed architecture based on CORBA and used for internet traffic routing for mobile phone networks. Rob holds a BS in computer engineering from the University of California, San Diego, and an MS in computer engineering from Stanford University. Publications>>

Kathryn Wolfinger
Associate Scientist

Kathryn Wolfinger is an associate scientist with experience in laser wakefield acceleration and plasma channel formation while at CU Boulder, as well as solar wind and ionospheric physics through internships with NASA Goddard. Kathryn received her BS in physics and mathematics from the University of Evansville and her MS in physics from the University of Colorado Boulder.